Each Spring semester, Part Time Faculty United (AFT Local 6262) offers a scholarship to COC students nominated by their adjunct instructors. This year, we are able to award $500 to four deserving students. Students and their nominating professors will be invited to an awards ceremony at the Performing Arts Center in May.
The Linda Cushing Memorial Scholarship is in honor of longtime CFT supporter and advocate Linda Cushing, who passed away following a car accident near Warm Springs, Oregon on Mar. 21, 2016 as she was driving to an organizing meeting. Linda was an artist, activist, peacemaker, techno wizard, friend, and Doc Martin fan. She became a union organizer after years as a contingent faculty member in California community colleges and was a National Rep with the American Federation of Teachers, mostly in Oregon and Washington state.“Linda [was] an important part of union organizing history, especially contingent faculty organizing with AFT,” said Elizabeth Hoffman, CFA retired AVP-Lecturers. “She was instrumental in starting Campus Equity Week in 2001 and was an inspiration to CSU Lecturers who became active in organizing both inside CFA and beyond CFA.”In 2002, a Los Angeles Times headline described Cushing in the following manner: “She Makes Union Activism an Art.”
Please consider nominating a worthy student. You must be an AFT member to nominate a student.